June 2, 2012

We're baaaaack!

Bonjour!  We arrived home from France to this:


and with about 4 loads of laundry!  Shockingly, our flight landed almost an hour ahead of schedule (how unusual!) but the wait for our luggage and our cab and the traffic on the way home made up for that bit of good luck.  ;)  Unfortunately, the video wasn't working on the flight entertainment systems, despite the many number of times the attendants attempted a reboot and we did hit a few patches of turbulence, but we made it home safely.

Oh, it's good to be home!  I'm not usually one to enjoy returning home after a vacation... after all, Shep has had to pull me out of various hotel closets on several occasions and force me to return home.  But this time, I was ready and so happy to come home.  Could I be... gulp... growing some love for our new apartment after all?!

Apologies for the lack of posting I've been doing over the past several weeks -- things were hectic leading up to the trip and I haven't quite gotten back into a routine yet, but I promise that (backdated) posts and photos are forthcoming!

1 comment:

  1. Okay. I want to hear all about it and see 300 pictures. pronto.
